The Mission

The original Purpose of the website was to organize actions in Denver and Nationwide during the Democratic National Convention to support Senator Clinton, celebrate her historic achievement, and advocate for Women's Rights worldwide.
Senator Clinton's historic achievement--being the first viable Woman Presidential Candidate--is a milestone for Women's Rights that will be an enduring part of the legacy of Women's Rights forever. As Women's Rights are Human Rights, Senator Clinton's legacy moves us all forward in a path toward human equality.

The Founders of 18 Million Voices, who are also the creators of the website continue to advocate for women's rights worldwide working mostly in offline efforts at present. We will, however, continue to blog and post on the 18 Million Voices website regarding our ongoing efforts.

The creators of 18 Million Voices are two loyal Clinton supporters, 18 Million Voices is not a non-profit organization, or a PAC, but was founded and created by two private citizens who have a background in grassroots political organizing and a strong committment to women's rights.

The efforts that took place in Denver and that are detailed on this page are the result of the hard work and commitment of the many volunteers mentioned in our State Groups list below.

This website details the specific Denver events organized by 18 Million Voices.

The Broker Restaurant, below, was our beautiful downtown Headquarters.


Headquarters at the Broker

Headquarters at the Broker
We began our activities at our Headquarters located in the beautiful downtown Broker Restaurant. We were able to meet and greet our supporters, sip some champagne, and accomodate the many press interview requests at this lovely oasis right in downtown Denver. The space exceeded our wildest expectations, and the owners and staff were supportive, gracious, and the best hosts we could have asked for!! Our sincere thanks goes out to everyone at the Broker for allowing us to make our "headquarters" at this amazing, historic location! To learn more about the Broker, just click on the picture above to visit their website!

Gloria Allred Speaking at End of Our March